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Contributors: Dilz (supa) Sayan, Tony (Ranga) Stark, Shalltech, Gabba (the Hutt) contributing to procrastinators since 2013

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Spider-Man and the Special Effects

When the first movie in the Spider-Man series came out, it created quite a stir due to the over the top stunt sequences and the brilliant graphics that were incorporated into this movie. John Dyskstra, one of the best special effects directors in the Hollywood business at present was hired to do the visual effects of the film. Dyskstra was the one who actually convinced the director to use computer generated images for the dare devil stunt sequences of the lead superhero as well as the villains in the film, because otherwise, these stunts would have been very hard to produce physically and even if they were produced, they would not have the same effect.

The very famous Spider-Man swing from building to building, lovingly described as 'ballet in the sky' by the director was the best work of the special effects team, something that improved further in the next two installments of the series. The effect was created by strapping a stuntman, or sometimes Spider-Man himself, actor Andrew Garfield, to a wire "no thicker than a bootlace" 60 feet in the air, which was connected to a winch on a rail. When they'd jump and reach the bottom of their swing, the winch would move down the rail, giving them a nice clean arc and unquestionably solid underwear.

The brilliant use of special effects is probably one of the reasons why the Spider-Man movies drew so much crowd and went on to become one of the most successful movie franchises of all time in Hollywood. Spider Man is easily one of the top most superhero movies, although the special effects work of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are far more superior to it.

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